Labour-run RCT council have financial reserves of a staggering £270 million, however, they now intend to end home-to-school transport for those children living within two miles of primary schools and three miles of secondary schools, providing a 'safe walking route' is achievable. Under their plans, discretionary travel will be stopped.
Given that RCT residents pay some of the highest council tax rates in the entire United Kingdom, many feel that these cuts are unjustified.
The Council’s own consultation has also highlighted the detrimental impact these cuts will have on Welsh language learning, which will be adversely impacted and which will pose a risk to their target of significantly growing the number of learners accessing Welsh-medium education.
RCT Conservatives strongly oppose these proposals and have created a petition to allow the local community to object to the Council's intentions and ensure the safe transportation of students. RCT Conservatives will then present the petition to the Council.
Please sign the petition against these proposals by clicking here.
For more information, please visit the Council's website: