Devolution Forum

The ongoing debate regarding the rollout of the new default 20mph speed limit across Wales, brings into focus a wider discussion about the impact of devolution over the last two decades and the benefits and drawbacks it has brought.

With the establishment of the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, I thought it would be an opportune moment to hold a series of roundtable events with myself on the subject of devolution throughout the region of South Wales Central, and I would like to invite you to take part – for the purposes of better representing the views of my constituents.

Envisioned much like a ‘focus group’, I am keen to get your thoughts on the current state of Welsh Devolution: whether or not you think it is working; whether or not the Welsh Parliament should have more powers or be abolished; and crucially, what alternatives are there to the current situation.

The Welsh Government is currently pursuing a policy of expansion, which will see the number of elected politicians rise from 60 to 96, and I think it is only right that residents throughout my region of South Wales Central also have a say on this.

I am hoping to run these roundtable events in multiple locations and over multiple dates throughout my region, covering Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan and Rhondda Cynon Taf, and I am looking for active participants – there will also be options to join virtually.

The autumn Devolution Forum Sessions participation form is now closed, but if you would like to take part next year and consent to being contacted, please click here to register your interest

Devolution Forum Participation Form